March 2024 | Lab Grown Magazine

March 2024 | The Lab Grown Diamond Resource Book 20 Mailed to 24,000 Jewelers Monthly - To advertise call (888) 832-1109 | March 2024 21 t’s show time! This issue focuses on two important wholesale jewelry sale events: Spring (JA NY) and Jewelers Internation- al Showcase (JIS) Spring in Miami. We’ll look at both shows, why they’re critical for buyers and exhibitors, and provide links to key elements for both shows. Fine Jewelry Cash and Carry Emerald Expo’s JANewYork Spring runs from March 10-12, 2024 at the Jacob K. Javits Center in New York City. Sunday and Monday show floor hours are 10:10am- 6:00pm and Tues- day’s hours are 12:10pm to 4:00pm. JA NY has been streamlined to two events deleting the summer show. Ad- dressing buyers’ needs and desires, Emerald Expos, JA NY’s owner, con- centrated on two highly targeted three- day “cash and carry” shows. This cot- tage industry requires a secure and agile tradeshow that cuts to the chase. At JA NY, you’ll find a wide variety of exhibi- tors with an elevated number of LGD compa- nies (loose and set) - several found in this issue and our sister publication – each focusing on LGDs and natural diamonds respectively and each displaying booth information in their full page advertising. EMERALD' Global'Account'Manager'P:646866883732''..' MarkeFng'Director.'Tel:646/66883742'' CCC:#Drew#Lawsky# Show#Director# Tel:#646/66893730# Erin#O’Donnell# MarkeHng#Director# Tel:646/66893742# Dawn#Aitchison# Account#Manager# T l:#646/66893692# JA New York is one of the largest high-end, fine jewelry trade shows exclusively for jewelry designers and buyers on the east coast. Photo: Emerald Expos