October 2022 | Lab Grown Magazine

October 2022 | The Lab Grown Diamond Resource Book 24 To advertise call (888) 832-1109 | October 2022 25 Here’s where things get interesting, and opportunity enters. Notice the yellow coded averages throughout the year span for the search term “lab diamonds.” What is most fascinating by this search term is our industry doesn’t typically define man-made diamonds as “lab,” we tend to add the word “grown.” If you’re more scientific or lab-minded, or trying to throw cold water on LGDs progress, you may call (and search) for the term “synthetic diamonds.” Quess what? The search term “synthetic diamonds” is as unpopular as “man-made diamonds” (with or without the hyphen). Viewed by color, “synthetic diamonds” as a search term in Google anywhere in the US and for the last year is identified as green. That tracks almost as flatlined as “lab-grown diamonds” (blue), “lab grown diamonds” (red), and “man made diamonds” (purple). In this scenario, “lab diamonds” wins across the twelve month span. The top five U.S. markets searching for this specific terminology is, within dissenting order: New Jersey, Hawaii, District of Columbia, New York and Minnesota. If you’d like a customized breakdown with drill downs to your local city or town or a comparison to your competitors keywords and search terms that may be superseding your organic Google listings, feel free to reach out to me and we’ll connect. My contact information is always at the end of my stories. While it shouldn’t be a surprise, the search word “diamond” or “diamonds” produces a much higher result throughout the twelve-month span, beating all the a LGD-related search terms combined. What is unexpected is the peak time for the Google “diamond” searchs nationwide. The spike month isn’t December. While December does rank second, it pales in comparison to searches for “diamonds” in the last week of January to the first two week of February, and we all know why. Does it surprise you that searches for the word “diamond” are combatively lower than the three week period of late January to early February? If not, the next example should be an eye-opener. Diamond dominance & decline Take a look at the global Google trending search landscape for similar search words. I added the word “jewelry” to “diamond” and “lab diamond” (and I did test the European spelling as “jewellery,” which didn’t make a notable difference). These are each color coded and referenced. Next, we advanced the time period from the past five years to present and you will see the global search for the purple color- coded term “diamond” is decreasing. It’s not a deep dive in any specific month or year, rather a slow, be it steady, decline.” Also note, the top five regions (since the parameters of the test were set for global) recognize the fifth area of largest search for “diamond” being Turks & Caicos Isalands. Sept5,2022 Sept5,2022