October 2021 | Lab Grown Magazine

October 2021 | The Lab Grown Diamond Resource Book 40 To advertise call (888) 832-1109 | October 2021 41 Directory COMPANY NAME Aehan Diam Pvt. Ltd. All Grown Diamonds Bhanderi lab Grown Diamonds Blumoon Lab Grown Diamonds Channel Jewelry Inc. CVD Diamond Inc. Diamond Services DiamSpark Ecolight Diamonds Emerge Diamonds Excellent Corporation Forever Grown Diamonds Future Diamonds Gemlogis USA Hana Diamonds JAS Diamonds, Inc. JIS October Show Joseph Asher Collection Lab Grown Diamond Inc. Lab Grown Solitaire Inc. Labon Diamonds Luxe Diamonds Maitri Meluhaa Diamonds Mr. CVD No Bull Diamonds Nova Diamonds Parth Diamonds Priya Lab Grown Diamonds Rainbow Rose Diamonds Skylab Diamond Smilling Rocks Stella Diam The Better Diamond PHONE NUMBER 203-512-9812 646-679-7005 212-278-0905 256-624-6651 212-944-9290 213-629-1091 844-842-8122 212-221-4400 201-736-8244 551-358-5451 972-797-1689 917-261-4511 646-417-0669 800-833-1090 800-966-6615 800-342-4002 800-840-5612 212-302-6999 212-921-0118 646-307-9087 315-207-7066 646-907-5232 212-869-0606 800-501-4873 212-933-9454 212-354-9700 213-784-2335 855-452-2476 646-370-6567 212-944-1044 646-892-4262 212-596-4163 646-707-3383 213-988-7075 WEB ADDRESS www.AehanLabGrownDiamond.com www.AllGrownDiamonds.com www.BigDLab.com www.BlumoonDiamonds.com www.ChannelsJewelry.com www.CVDdiamondinc.com www.DiamondServicesUSA.com www.DiamSpark.com www.EcoLightDiamond.com www.EmergeDiamonds.com www.ExcellentDiamondJewel.com www.ForeverGrownDiamonds.com www.FutureDiamonds.us www.GemlogisUSA.com www.HanaDiamonds.com www.JASDiamonds.com www.jisshow.com www.JosephAsherJewelry.com www.LabGrownDiamondNY.com www.LabgrownSolitaire.com www.LabonDiamonds.com www.Maitri.nyc www.MeluhaaDiamonds.com www.linkpad.bio/mrcvd www.NoBullDiamonds.com www.NovaDiamonds.us www.ParthDiamonds.com www.PriyaGrown.com www.RainbowRoseDiamonds.com www.SkylabDiamond.com www.SmilingRocks.com www.tbdstock.com 30 W. 47th Street, Ste 707 • New York, NY 10036 Tel: 888-832-1109 • Email: LabGrownMagazine@gmail.com WWW.LABGROWNMAGAZINE.COM Print Ad Sizes NOTE: BLEED IS ONLY AVAILABLE FOR FULL PAGE FULL PAGE BLEED AND NON-BLEED Bleed Size (Canvas Size) 7” x 10.75” Trim Size (Magazine Size) 6.75” x 10.50” Safe Zone No important type or images outside this area 6.25” x 10” $1,000 FULL PAGE FULL PAGE *Prices are per month 6.25”W x 4.875”H $600 1/2 PAGE HORIZONTAL AD MATERIAL DEADLINE: 15th OF THE PRIOR MONTH EMAIL FILES TO: labgrownads@gmail.com IMPORTANT: All sizes are in inches. Keep live matter at least 1/4” inside trim for safety. FILE FORMATS: High resolution (300dpi) PDF files are preferred. If providing other formats, ensure all images aremCMYK and that all fonts are embedded. PLEASE LABEL FILES: Include Name of Company, Magazine Name/Section and Ad Size. Top Block 6”W x 6.625”H ................. $3,500 Bottom Block 6”W x 1.625” H ................. $1,800 Top Block Trim: 6.75”W x 4.1”H Bleed: 7”W x 4.215”H ........ $2,000 Center Block Trim: 6.75”W x 1.25”H Bleed: 7”W x 1.25”H ........ $1,000 Bottom Block (Left or Right) Trim: 3.325”W x 5” H Bleed: 3.45”W x 5.125”H ....... $1,200 KEEP ALL LIVE MATTER AT LEAST 1/4” FROM EDGES FOR SAFETY BACK COVER Top Block Bottom Left Block Center Bottom Right SOLD SOLD SOLD SOLD FRONT COVER Top Block Bottom Block Top Left Top Right SOLD SOLD