November 2020 - Lab Grown Magazine

November 2020 | e Lab Grown Diamond Resource Book 20 To advertise call (888) 832-1109 | November 2020 21 So, I ask Palmieri, “After all these years, you must have been challenged.” There’s a pause. Palmieri knows he’s on-the-record. With a humble confidence, he informed me, “Yes, we’ve been challenged. But, in nearly 20 years, we’ve only been challenged five times.” Impressive. Palmieri continues, “Of those five times in GCAL’s history, we agreed that an error had been made in three cases and we paid the consumer for the difference. The other two involved outside parties indepen- dently misleading consumers who were try- ing to sell their diamond back to the trade.” My mind adds very to impressive. GCAL stands behind its tests with its own money, time, and reputation, framed in honesty. Many labs strive for the prestigious ISO 17025 accreditation. Many fail. What is the ISO? The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) is an independent, global network of the world’s leading stan- dardizers in 165 countries. ISO investigators are tougher than a tag-team of federal audi- tors who had too many cups of coffee. Let’s call this auditing process… laborious. Only two diamond grading labs in North America achieved and maintain the honor of an ISO 17025:2017 Laboratory Accreditation. Tif- fany & Co is one. GCAL is the other. When just about to leave the lab, anoth- er GCAL achievement caught my eye. In 2014, it became the only gem lab in the world to earn the prestigious ISO 17025 Forensic Accreditation. After I left the lab, I looked up the qualifications to gain a forensic lab accreditation; they are very long and com- plicated. Reading through what’s needed to pass that test left me impressed. Superior GemLeadership While the lab “SGL” is not an acronym for “superior gem leadership,” those words mir- ror the integrity and commitment offered by this global gemological laboratory. First, let’s clear up some possible confusion. There is a Swedish lab group that carries the same letters and a similar web domain, but as you’ll read, we’re focusing on www.SGL-, and with good reason. Labs tend to promote words like “integ- rity,” which I find to be overused. But when a global group demonstrates action under that term, we should pay attention. Speaking with North American jewelry store executives with one store, and those canvased across the country, many told me about their search for a trusted diamond de- tection system. They realize stocking LGDs is as necessary as wearing a mask these days. Just as amask provides protection, so toomust >> Direct: (310) 779-1151 Office: (213) 622-2094 Toll: 1 (855) 4 LAB GROWN 1 (855) 452-2476 All Types of Melees Fancy Shapes & Colors Next Day Delivery Extremely Competitive Pricing The Largest Lab Grown Supplier in Los Angeles Most Reputable Manufacturer of 4ct+ CVD F-J Color Rounds Up to 5ct in Every Shape and Color