May 2024 | Lab Grown Magazine

May 2024 | The Lab Grown Diamond Resource Book 20 Mailed to 24,000 Jewelers Monthly - To advertise call (888) 832-1109 | May 2024 21 LABORATORY-GROWN BY DAN SCOTT DIAMOND PART 2 OF A 4-PART SERIES t’s show time, and we’re not just ad- dressing JCK, AGTA and the Couture show in Las Vegas this month and next. We’re also looking at what some diamond an- alysts are predicting to be a heavy self-purchas- ing summer - especially for LGD solitaire pendants, stud earrings and the third key in our part two series of Secrets to Laboratory-Grown Diamond Success… If you missed the first two keys, you will definite- ly want to visit LabGrown Magazine’s April issue online at: April2024/20-21/ We addressed the LGD price de- cline, why it was expected with two hard hitting facts that prove CVD diamonds are in a much bet- ter global position than the natural diamond fueled negative headlines have been blaring. Goodbye China, Hello India China’s wealthy sector has been said to have reject- ed any considerations to purchase LGDs. That news is quickly changing: cn/a/202312/20/WS658247dea31040ac301a89d1. html and France and Italy are right behind them. And if you thought China was the top producer for CVD LGDs, you would have been correct about six months ago. Now, Surreal Diamonds (https:// ) and Kira are battling it out as both claim to be the “World’s Largest CVD Producer” ( They are both based in Surat, India with Surreal now operating from a second location - a large office on Madison Avenue in Manhattan to heighten their presence. While this story is on deadline today, I am due to meet with the executives at Surreal Diamond this afternoon and will gain a full interview. To my surprise, within hours of confirming that meeting a week ago, an executive at Kira wanted to set-up time to talk. As predicted eight issues ago, India will, and is be- coming the largest and most powerful country to grow, cut, polish and export CVD diamonds with North America as their main target. More on that development soon. For now, let’s move to the third key to success: Color. Actually, multi-color. The big win in the long run for LGDs won’t stay in the colorless variety. LABORATORY-GROWN