May 2023 | Lab Grown Magazine

May 2023 | The Lab Grown Diamond Resource Book 26 Mailed to 24,000 Jewelers Monthly - To advertise call (888) 832-1109 | May 2023 27 The explosion of Canadian-focused man- made diamond news was so significant last year that the country’s history- making headline was blurred. The jewelry industry had to take a wide focus on country-specific grown stone news; press coverage completely canvased Canada, especially within the greater Toronto area. First to Shine With a production facility in Quebec, Groupe RSL, Inc. was once the only Canadian producer of a CVD single- crystal-grown diamond. The company retains the title of the first country-wide LGD creator as published on September 20, 2022, however. “We are looking for consumers who are of the view that diamonds don’t need to be mined and appreciate that they’re getting something local. They know where it comes from, from ‘A to B,’ and that it’s going to be a high-quality product made in Canada,” Luke Sinclair, CFO of Groupe RSL stated. “Consumers are seeking greater transparency in the diamonds that they purchase, and we firmly believe that the industry need not be at odds with the environment or principles of social responsibility,” Sinclair added. Competition to be Canada’s first LGD producer was quick to manifest. Canadian jewelry brand, Suetables, which gained international attention with its product worn by Meghan Markle, launched its fourth store in Canada with two other locations in Toronto and Montreal recently with a strong online presence. Sue Henderson, Suetables owner and designer said, “In a world of technology, machines and mass production, we create smaller design runs and hand- Canadian LGDs by Polar Diamonds. Photo: Polar Diamonds