March 2024 | Lab Grown Magazine

March 2024 | The Lab Grown Diamond Resource Book 24 Mailed to 24,000 Jewelers Monthly - To advertise call (888) 832-1109 | March 2024 25 Attracting metropolitan tri-state retail shoppers as well as buyers from overseas, JA NY is an in- timate three-day show limited to spring and fall as the summer show has been discontinued. Ninety-two percent of attending buyers place or- ders and eighty-three percent place orders with new vendors during each JA NY show. JA NY offers a high-end marketplace for new and established jewelry professionals in an in- stant sales and order-writing format. Forty per- cent of attendees have annual jewelry retail sales over $500,000 and serve clientele from the tri- state region of New York, New Jersey and Con- necticut. This brings buyers who represent the highest per capita income in America closer to your company. Some JA NY exhibitors find segmenting their best sellers on smaller presentation pads highly effective. Smaller pads provide a style number and precious metal alignment. –Segmenting on smaller pads also suggests themed mer- chandising. Photo: Emerald Expos Sunny Sales From March 17-19, 2024 the JIS Spring show dominates the Miami Beach Convention in Flor- ida. You’ll discover new brands, reconnect with partners, see styles that sell, and meet suppliers ready to restock your inventory for Mother’s Day, peak bridal jewelry months, graduation and other family milestones your customers will be shopping for. Retailers come with generous open-to-buys and immediate purchasing intent, actively comparing products, prices and styles.  “JIS Spring is an intercontinental wholesale jew- elry buyer’s dream,” stated a major cruise ship line’s buyer. “Having the ability to purchase on Reed Expos, JIS Spring show is strategically timed to address busy buyer’s needs. Trending and clas- sic jewelry inventory with immediate or future prod- uct delivery offerings are memorable from sunny Miami.