January 2025 | Lab Grown Magazine

January 2025 | The Lab Grown Diamond Resource Book 22 Mailed to 24,000 Jewelers Monthly - To advertise call (888) 832-1109 | January 2025 23 Rod-like metallic flux inclusions Amorphous metallic flux inclusion HPHT Growth Inclusion Examples HPHT Growth Inclusion Examples The starting stage of Aether’s zero carbon diamond growth technology – a patented system which extracts carbon from clouds and boasts of being powered by solar, wind and water. Photo: Aether Diamonds one carat roughs in three days and two carats in about five. A one-carat CVD diamond can take a seven days and a two-carat rough about ten days. Inclusions Both types of LGDs may have inclusions, but they come from different sources. CVD diamonds tend to have dark pinpoint inclusions, whereas HPHT tend to develop metallic flux inclusions. Amajor problem on the HPHT side is these metallic inclusions can be magnetic. HPHT also has been known to test as Masonite on a diamond pen tester. And, since a Boron presence may be present in HPHT growth, a bluish tint known as “blue nuance” appears. Sidebar, boron is exactly what you want when creating vivid blue LGDs, however. Strain Patterns CVD diamonds display banded strain patterns, while HPHT diamonds usually don’, or only have minor ones. Notably, Natural Diamonds also tend to display strain patterns.  HPHT also requires more effort and space and the process is more intense and laborious than CVD. Of the two, CVD is the more budget-friendly option. Yet, the HPHT process offers greater control. HPHT is sometimes cited as offering often more colorless options than CVD diamonds and some CVD diamond ar4e post treated with HPHT for tighter control allowances for color adjustments. The Skies the Limit One ultimate goal of any LGD producer is to reduce any trace of a carbon footprint, something that is incredibly challenging as we reviewed n part one of this series, noting an estimated 30% of carbon once injected into CVD reactors escapes back into the air. In New York, a lab-grown diamond startup called Aether Diamond initially raised $18 million in 2022 from a funding round led by a group formerly known as Helena, a “global problem solving organization.” With five patents and proven to be the true pioneer of a cloud carbon extraction system technology, Aether technicians harvest carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. The captured carbon is then transformed, under extreme heat and pressure, into crystalline structures, each as unique as a snowflake. While LGDs, in general, tout of sidestepping the often harsh environmental and ethical impacts of diamond mining. It must be noted; great advances in mining are abound. These include recycling water and autonomous vehicles. These advances were published in Diamond Pulse and may be read here: https://diamondpulse.com/issues/July2022/24-25/ Methane & Hydrogen Most of CVD LGDs require methane and hydrogen as reactor gases to facilitate carbon growth. Methane is natural gas and is a co-product of oil production. Methane is also recovered using processes such as frocking that ESG minded people find objectionable. Hydrogen is also produced as a byproduct of oil refining, or in some countries from coal. Hydrogen can be produced from renewable sources as well, be it in smaller quantities. Every single carbon atom used in Aether’s diamonds and its UK competitor, Sky Diamond, originates from atmospheric CO2; meticulously extracted and purified before transformed into a LGD. This process starts with carbon capture technology that siphons carbon from the sky. Aether Diamond and Sky Diamond don’t just capture CO2 as an afterthought; it’s at the forefront of their mission, turning emissions into LGDs. The journey from CO2 to diamond involves sophisticated capture systems that sieve out the carbon from other atmospheric gases. Once captured, the carbon undergoes a purification process, ensuring that only the purest elements make it into the final product. This act of capturing and purifying CO2 not only results in LGDs, it also reduces greenhouse gas levels. Carbon Cloud Capture Advantages & Challenges You’ll find that carbon capture diamonds offer a host of benefits, yet they also face hurdles in their path to market dominance. The Pros The advantages of these diamonds are compelling. They tackle air pollution directly by removing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, thus contributing positively to the fight against climate change. Moreover, they serve as a testament to innovation in the renewable energy sector, symbolizing a shift towards more sustainable practices. FINE DIAMOND JEWELRY MANUFACTURER SINCE 1992 More than 15+ collections 500+ new styles To Get a digital copy of this catalog contact us on sales@gemstarco.com Essentials Engagement rings Anniversary Bands Fashion Hoop Earrings Glittering Stars Dazzling Baguettes Mens Bands Flexible Bangles / Bracelets Stacks / Chevron NOW AVAILABLE 2024 LAB GROWN JEWELRY GUIDE STARLAB J E W E L R Y