January 2021 | Lab Grown Magazine

January 2021 | The Lab Grown Diamond Resource Book 24 To advertise call (888) 832-1109 | January 2021 25 Title : L aboratory Grown Diamonds An Information Guide to HPHT-grown and CVD-grown Diamonds (Third Edition) Authors : Dusan Simic and Branko Deljanin Contact : info@brankogems.com (Tel: 1.604.619.3590) ISBN : 9781777369200 COPYRIGHT : ©2020 / 188 pages O ne of the fastest growing sectors in the gem and jewelry industry over the last two decades has undoubtedly been that of laboratory-grown diamonds (LGDs). It is a topic that incites both appreciation and controversy, as well as consuming a great deal of ink in the trade and consumer press around the globe. Realizing early on the importance of LGDs and the necessity to understand the process, the results, uses, gemology, and the need to distinguish them from their mined counter- parts, gemologists and diamond researchers Dusan Simic and Branko Deljanin published Laboratory-GrownDiamonds, a comprehen- sive tome on the subject in 2007, which itself built on built on a first edition, Laboratory- Created Diamonds, published in 2004. This Second Edition quickly became the go-to reference on these man-made gems. It received high acclaim from the industry and was translated into two languages. Over the last 13 years, however, there have been a number of important changes in the lab-grown sector, and thanks to overwhelm- ing demand, Simic and Deljanin have come out with their Third Edition of Laboratory- Grown Diamonds , published in 2020. The updates include articles contributed by four eminent authors in the field: Dr. Boris Feigelson, a scientist at the U.S. Naval Re- search Laboratory in Washington D.C. who developed the BARS diamond growth tech- nology; Malay Hirani, a process engineer from Mumbai, India and founder of Soni CVD Diamonds; Frank Ripka, an industrial engineer, and CEO of Algordanza’s subsid- Laboratory-Grown Diamonds Book Review by Cynthia Unninayar The authors of the book, Branko Deljanin (left) and Dusan Simic, together have published more than 100 gemological articles and presented papers at major conferences and events around the world. Simic is CEO of New York- based Analytical Gemolo- gy and Jewelry. Deljanin is president of CGL Canadian Gemlab in Vancouver.