January 2020 - Lab Grown Magazine

January 2020 | LG | The Lab Grown Diamond Resource Book 22 Hall holding a GE loupe, a creative nod to Hall’s insightful vision for his success. The photo and a press releasewere released exactly one year after his breakthrough. The year-long wait assured GE that they were actually in possession of the world’s first and only equipment capable of creating initial microscopic rough diamonds in their lab. (Photo: GE Historical Library) Hall leaning into his lab-grown diamond press machine at the GE Labs in 1955. (Photo: GE Historical Library) GE executives featured on the cover of their publication, TheMonogram . They decided to wait a full year to announce inventor Dr. Howard Tracy Hall’s lab-grown discovery. Right: A page from TheMono- gram garnered much attention in 1955. Hand-written notes detailing changes for their Art Director and copywriters are seen in a rare glimpse into the minds of the most celebrated people of their day. (Photos: General Electric Historical Library ©1955-1961 GE)