February 2022 | Lab Grown Magazine
February 2022 | The Lab Grown Diamond Resource Book 12 To advertise call (888) 832-1109 | February 2022 13 DISCLAIMER: Lab Grown Magazine assumes no responsibility for content, articles, or advertisement in publication. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part in any form without prior written permission of the publisher is prohibited. The publisher reserves the right to edit all articles for clarity space and editorial sensitivities. Publisher Zev Oster Manager David Oster Features Writer Dan Scott Graphics / Production Kim Kennelly LabGrownAds@gmail.com Advertising & Sales LabGrownMagazine@gmail.com Circulation 25,000 Magazines Printed &Mailed Monthly Distributed at Show Bins PO Box 683 Pomona, NY 10970 T: 888-832-1109 F: 212-257-7056 www.LabGrownMagazine.com Find us on A division of parthdiamonds.com contact@parthdiamonds.com Direct: (310) 779-1151 Office: (213) 622-2094 Toll: 1 (855) 4 LAB GROWN 1 (855) 452-2476 All Types of Melees Fancy Shapes & Colors Next Day Delivery Extremely Competitive Pricing The Largest Lab Grown Supplier in Los Angeles Most Reputable Manufacturer of 4ct+ CVD F-J Color Rounds Up to 5ct in Every Shape and Color A Question of Value; An Answer in Unity As we forge into 2022, Covid concerns continue to reveal challenges. Regardless, the diamond and jewelry industry is get- ting used to wearing masks, travel restrictions, and supply chain complications. This, as many in the diamond sector strive to re- invent themselves. Covid aside, we’re clearly in a stage of diamond reinvention. In mankind’s history, only recently have worldwide diamond groups felt the need to compete, in essence, with themselves. From moissanite to cubic zirconia, no white stone has ever truly threatened natural stone sales. That was then. To some, a united diamond front seems logical (and neces- sary). To others, a constant attempt to strong arm the other side appears to be the mission. If you’re holding this issue, odds are you’ve also touched Dia- mond Pulse , our all-natural diamond-focused publication. Seal- ing both magazines in one mailing speaks to our commitment to remain centralized within the diamond sector. We’ll continue to offer facts-over-opinion when delivering our monthly stories while respectfully addressing the elephant in the room. In this edition, Dan Scott offers part two of a three-part series, Lab Grown Diamond Worth; Addressing the Critical and Controversial Value Avoidance Question. It would be understand- able to think you’ll be reading an overtly positive piece on LGD worth. Indeed, this series continues to present strong LGD value evidence in multiple categories. Yet, this issue also calls out how natural diamonds are strengthening their monetary value in Wall Street ways. Heightened PR maneuvers from the natural diamond side claiming LGDs have “no resell value” fuel LGD tension. This strategy often erupts in LGD return attacks focused on zero carbon sustainability comparisons - the seem- ingly weaker hand for natural diamonds. Words wage tug-of- war style battles with both sides getting muddy. The resulting optics can foster confusion over clarity. That type of conflict may be why some modern consumers replace diamond engagement rings with non-diamond center stones, or re-think diamonds all together. However, as a united diamond industry, we are in a pow- erful position. Imagine the mighty force diamonds in totality could deliver if we were on the same team. Natural and LGDs shouldn’t be enemies; we’re one entity. There will always be con- sumers who demand a natural diamond. And now, there will be those that demand the opposite. Both sides profit from partner- ship. If man-made and mined stones marry, we can celebrate dia- mond differences as a couple . Dual diamond strength will help ensure continuous dual diamond demand. But, dueling dia- monds always result in fights. With that, enjoy this month’s LGD feature story with a hopeful, unified diamond mentality. An industry mindset we hope you’ll consider… one with less hand-offs and many more handshakes. Zev
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