February 2020 - Lab Grown Magazine

February 2020 | LG | The Lab Grown Diamond Resource Book 24 To advertise call (888) 832-1109 | February 2020 25 Rings made with 284 white lab-grown diamonds set in recycled 14K gold (4.26 ctw) by KBH Jewels. (Photo: KBH Jewels) demi-fine designs of the last two years). So what is the big attraction? Answer: the compa- ny’s founders—people just like those they are targeting as customers. Trust and the relatable factor score high with the youth of America, when it is the youth of America who are offer- ing the product. Examples of creations by other small to mid- sized lab-grown leaders are shown in this story with captions that speak to their progress. Take inspiration from these examples, and ap- ply your own brand message built around hon- esty, personal attention and trending demi-fine styles to reach newfound lab-grown sales. Demi-Fine and Lab-Grown Diamonds We have used demi-fine several times in this article and, as a relatively recent term, a defini- tion is perhaps in order. Basically, it refers to a hybrid of precious and non-precious materials crafted within trending designs offered at mid- tier retail price points. The term was created and trademarked by Luxe Licensing, LLC in 2015 to better help categorize and distinguish this broad type of jewelry In the last four years, the term demi-fine has been used heavily within the global jewelry industry. This category concentrates on mini- malistic looks and streamlined styling, such as slim, lightweight wrist and ankle bracelets, bangles, rings, bands, necklaces, ear cuffs and earrings—many of which are cast in 10K to 18K gold or sterling silver and feature lab- grown diamonds, lab-grown gemstones, small, mined diamonds or a mixture of these. The demi-fine difference is the bridge or hybrid creation of precious and non-precious materials produced together within one offer- ing. Companies such as Neiman Marcus, Saks Fifth Avenue, J. Crew and WWAKE have been fast to adopt this term which now produces over 397 million results in any daily Google search. About the Author Dan Scott is Founder and Brand Architect with Luxe Licensing, a brand, marketing and digital agency with present and past clients that include Pirelli, Gucci Jewelry, Harry Winston, Chanel, Erbert Chong, Elf Cosmetics, Creative Being and more. Dan welcomes conversation and may be reached at dannjscott@gmail.com or + (luxelicensing.com ) ■