February 2020 - Lab Grown Magazine
February 2020 | LG | The Lab Grown Diamond Resource Book 12 To advertise call (888) 832-1109 | February 2020 13 Left: This “Isla Three-Stone Ring” by MiaDonna features a basket-set emerald-cut center lab-grown diamonds with smaller emerald or baguette-cut LGDs on either side. Right: A pair LGD studs in 14K gold by MiaDonna. (Photos: MiaDonna) Calling All Consumer Demand Specialists Anna-Mieke Anderson is the founder of the New York City-based lab-grown jewelry de- sign house called MiaDonna. She was quick to support lab-grown stones many years ago, after realizing she had unwittingly purchased a conflict diamond. Days lat- er, Anderson was motivated to spon- sor a child laborer in Liberia, Africa, who was working in the local diamond mining community. After exchang- ing several letters, Anderson recalls a specific sentence from her distant pen pal. The words would resonate as a personal and professional game changer. The African boy wrote that he had a good summer and that “only one of his friends from the dia- mond mine died.” This ignited Anderson’s philanthropy side and opened the doors to The Greener Dia- mond Foundation. Recently, this non-profit group created by Anderson, purchased ten acres of prime diamond mining land in Liberia. But the land isn’t being used for diamond min- ing. All the property purchased is being given back to the locals, many of whom are trained to grow their own food, a basic occupation lost after the civil war. The plan is to offer more options to make a living, other than mining dia- monds. And, it’s working. The MiaDonna brand uses the slogan Eco Diamond in its advertising. In many ways, the company and its non-profit speak to the same goals. Doing so secured a coveted corpora- tion certification—a certification that other lab- grown companies might want to consider. The Benefits of Being a “B” Certified B Corporations are businesses meet- ing consistent, high standards in verified environmental and social performance. Select businesses are graded by “standards analysts” who work for non-profit B Labs, presently in Pennsylvania, New York, and Amsterdam. The B Corp group is governed by a private, non- profit citizen’s counsel and is not affiliated with any government, although it engages with most governments in many countries. There are presently 2,500 Certified B Corpo- rations in 50 countries to date, and the decade- old B Corp movement continues to gain new ground, as the worldwide consumer-driven culture shift comes into play. >> Many lab-grown dealers are promoting a conflict-free diamond guarantee as they sell ice from their own freezer and not from a glacier. parthdiamonds.com contact@parthdiamonds.com Direct: (310) 779-1151 Office: (213) 622-2094 Toll: 1 (855) 4 LAB GROWN 1 (855) 452-2476 All Types of Melees Fancy Shapes & Colors Next Day Delivery Extremely Competitive Pricing The Largest Lab Grown Supplier in Los Angeles Most Reputable Manufacturer of 4ct+ CVD F-J Color Rounds Up to 5ct in Every Shape and Color
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