August 2024 | Lab Grown Magazine

August 2024 | The Lab Grown Diamond Resource Book 20 Mailed to 24,000 Jewelers Monthly - To advertise call (888) 832-1109 | August 2024 21 LABORATORY-GROWN BY DAN SCOTT DIAMOND PART 4 OF A 4-PART SERIES arning: Before we dive into the final keys to success in laboratory-grown diamonds (LGDs), a statement must be made. Recently, a handful of high-ranking diamond executives have convinced themselves (primarily from reading parts 1, 2 and 3 of this series) that there’s a personal “pro push on all things lab and anti-natural.” That’s simply an untruth. I remain unbiased toward either division. And, please remind yourself this is not a standalone publication. Each monthly issue is sent to tens of thousands by mail (at no charge) coupled with its sister publication, Diamond Pulse, which only promotes natural diamonds. I’ve had the pleasure of writing for that publication also. So, to those readers who only recently learned of me through this series and insist I’m pushing an agenda. I am. That agenda is entitled “Diamond Unity.” To me, being action-oriented with a diamond unification mantra is logical, mutually profitable, and mission critical. Perhaps the most pressing warning is this: we’re riding on pothole-ridden roads. Swerving to avoid these ditches is bound to create devastating “diamond vs. diamond” collations. The kind that blocks exits and causes many in the diamond jewelry industry to stall or run out of gas. No Jewelry Industry? If Mercedes invested the majority of their momentum and money into one specific automobile type, but offered it mainly in white with overtly expensive and limited rare colors, and priced each car on appearance and size, do you think Mercedes would be in business today? Mercedes knew they had to offer sedans to SUVs and sport scars to boot. And, if they somehow had survived such a business blunder, people wouldn’t playfully substitute the brand name “Mercedes” with luxury. Diamond Variety Equals Business For All Our iconic diamond gemstone is like a single model Mercedes Benz. Just like the luxe auto example, the diamond is the only precious gemstone made to be the driving force for a worldwide jewelry industry. In natural diamonds, if Mercedes is the engine, the engagement ring is the Benz. We create millions of design variations within a life-changing ring. And, we’re masters at cutting, polishing and setting a solitaire or multiples of a diamond into billions of fashion styles. But we thought using different sizes; weights, cuts, clarities and colors meant forever protection.